Hi Martijn,

http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/http.html is your friend...

Authen is only called if there is a 'require' and AuthType/AuthName directive,
Authz is only called if Authen is successful.


Martijn wrote:

I'm doing some testing/debugging on a newly built server (Apache
2.0.52, mod_perl 2.0.3) and find that both PerlAuthenHandler and
PerlAuthzHandler are ignored. The weird thing is: other Perl*Handlers,
including PerlAccessHandler, work as expected (expected by me, that
is): they block access to mydomain.com/test in the setup copied below
and write a line in error_log.

I am afraid I am making a stupid mistake somewhere, but I can't find
where. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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