You're comparing Apples to Rocks with php & mod_perl ( rocks was the first non-fruit thing I could think of )

php has 3 main flavors - mod_php , php-cgi , php-cli

lets just look at mod_php and php-cgi

if you run perl and php through a fastcgi proxy , you're going to get similar performance from an architecture standpoint. each language will be a bit faster or slower depending on its strengh or weakness in whatever you test, but the overall design of the systems will be the same, and you won't see much of a difference.

        mod_php and mod_perl sound kind of similar..

mod_php is sticking a php interpreter in apache , and using that to process files mod_perl is sticking a perl interpreter in apache , and using that to process files ( it can script apache + integrate with hooks too )

but they behave a little differently because of the way they have very different approaches in the way they handle memory - shared memory, loading libraries, copy on write, etc
        they also have slightly different architectures

most people use mod_perl in dedicated environments -- it achieves its speed performance by compiling & caching code -- which eats up memory. because code is handled with the package namespaces, people generally don't run it in shared environments, as you provide security from people overwriting namespaces can only happen by consuming more memory to create isolated namespaces in the children.

some people here may disagree with me and chime in...

but i strongly advise not depending on mod_perl if you don't have 'root' access for apache. you're going to create a lot of headaches for yourself, and you're only going to be able to experience a limited subset of features & optimizations that are offered. as a bad analogy, your experience with mod_perl is going to be like driving a sportscar around in a crowded parkinglot - you're stuck with a small speedlimit and you can't leave the lot and really see whats under the hood.

        if i were in your situation, i'd do the following:
1, try to get root access , so you can run/write handlers or registry stuff that won't depend on reload
                2, look into your options with running perl via fast-cgi
3, stick to php. drop apache, switch to nginx and run php via fast- cgi , utilizing the APC cache ( or the eaccelerator one if its working again )

a while back I benched a simple app in php & perl, using the phptal & petal libraries:
        20 r/s - mod_php / Apache
        150 r/s/ - php-cgi / apc / nginx
        200 r/s - mod_perl

the huge speed differences between nginx and mod_php was due to:
        a- nginx is faster/more lightweight, tied up less resources than apache
b- apc cached the phptal templates & engines way better than the standard php stat or whatever it does. i didn't bench rps under apache using apc and not, but the generation time went from .7 seconds to .09 per page. it was a HUGE difference on that alone. c- mp likely edged out php because perl is just kickass with text- processing, which is primarily what i benched.

that said, if you don't like perl - don't use it. there are lots of ways to improve your php performance.

i still use php -- we have a lot of micro-sites and templates that we don't want to cache. running that stuff in php lets us easily specify how much memory we want to limit that too , and keep it isolated from our main perl servers. all of the db interaction on that stuff is handled by requests to internal perl-servers which return json objects. its really gives us the best of both worlds.

On Jul 1, 2007, at 4:47 AM, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 30 Jun at 16:55 Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

assuming you're on a nix/bsd -- you need to be able to restart the server.
if you can't , then you shouldn't be using mod_perl.

Thank you, Jonathan, for your more detailed explanation. I have to say, I am extremely disappointed with my experience. I've used PHP for some years to create interactive web sites with some success, but having read about the significant performance boost available from mod_perl, I bit the bullet, and used PERL for the first time on my current project. Had I known then what I
know now, I wouldn't have bothered :-(

I don't even like the language much, but I'm sure that's a personal thing.

It looks then like I have two options:
1. abandon mod-perl and just use cgi.
2. move the project to a server over which I have full control.

(1) rather defeats the object of using PERL, and I am loth to acknowledge defeat; (2) adds significant expense, and extra effort, to the project. Bah
- what a mess!

Thanks again, Tony

Tony van der Hoff        | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Buckinghamshire, England

// Jonathan Vanasco

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