> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 07:14:54 -0700 (PDT) "Kevin Field"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > PerlSwitches -wT
> > LoadFile "C:\Perl\bin\perl58.dll"
> > LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
>       I don't know too much about Apache configuration, but you've
> put "PerlSwitches", which is defined in mod_perl.so, before you even
> load mod_perl.so.
>       PerlSwitches should be set before the Perl *interpreter* is
> loaded, not before the module is loaded.
>       Also, my PerlSwitches looks like:
>       PerlSwitches -w -T
>       I forget, but they may have to be separate.
>       -Max

Ah, yes, I tried moving it to after those two lines, or in the middle 
of the file somewhere, or at the very end of the file (well, right 
before the stuff PHP put there), and it didn't change anything.  Where 
is the Perl interpreter loaded?  I thought that was LoadFile "C:\Perl\
bin\perl58.dll"...but if mod_perl needs to be after that, and 
PerlSwitches needs to be after mod_perl, but before the DLL...um...then 
MC Escher may need to help write my config file.  ;)

I tried them separately too (well, just the -w by itself anyway.)  
Thanks for the suggestions though...


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