I am using apache 1.3.34 and mod_perl 1.30.


Dan King
Software Developer
Canadian Resident Matching Service
613.237.0075  ext. 241
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-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: July 23, 2007 9:30 AM
To: Dan King
Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Re: Installing modperl when Apache is currently installed.

Dan King wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have a current build of apache on a Sun Solaris 9 and want to install
> modperl as well. The instructions I have found use the apache source.
> This is the part I am unsure about, do I need to have Apache source if
> it is already installed? If I try to install modperl using Apache source
> will it overwrite or install a second version of Apache? I can't seem to
> find any instructions on users that already have a configured version of
> Apache.

What versions of apache and mod_perl?


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