This code didn't run.

I don't think we can put an "if" clause inside


The error I got when running this code is:

 syntax error at /XXX/ line 74, near "if"\nsyntax error at /XXX/ 
line 77, near "} else"\nsyntax error at /XXX/ line 82, near "

Luke Lu さんは��きました:
> Hi,
>   In this part:
>     foreach $h (@{$hosts})
>    {
>       $obj = $type->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($h),
>       PeerPort => 110,
>       Proto => 'tcp',
>       LocalPort => 110,
>       Timeout => 120
>    ) and last;
>   }
> You can debug it like this 
> foreach $h (@{$hosts})
> {
> $obj = $type->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($h),
> PeerPort => 110,
> Proto => 'tcp',
> LocalPort => 110,
> Timeout => 120
>  If (defined ($obj))  {
>    Print "ok";
>  }
> Else {
>   Print "bad";
> }
> ) and last;
> }
> According to this ,you can check it whether every time it will be 'ok' or not.
> If the last time is output 'bad', then you can find the real reason
> If still have any question,please contact with me/
> luke
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Nguyen Vu Hung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 发送时间: 2007年8月16日 8:58
> 收件人:
> 主题: Class inheritance, and SUPER under mod_perl2
> Hello all,
> I am quite new to Perl, mod_perl and mod_perl2 so please excuse me for
> my questions. It my sounds noobish.
> In the code below, the class XXX:YYY3 inherits Net::Cmd,
> IO::Socket::Inet, create an object $obj with the SUPER keyword.
> As far as I know, this code works well under Apache 1.3, Perl 5.6,
> mod_perl 1.3.
> But in current environment which consists Apache 2.0.52, Perl 5.8,
> mod_perl 2.0.3, $obj becomes undefined (!!) after it is called with SUPER.
> Anyone gets any clues?
> Here is the code:
> ------------------
> package XXX::YYY3;
> @ISA = qw(Net::Cmd IO::Socket::INET);
> sub new
> {
> my $self = shift;
> my $type = ref($self) || $self;
> my $hosts = "localhost";
> my $obj;
> my @localport = ();
> my $h;
> foreach $h (@{$hosts})
> {
> $obj = $type->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($h),
> PeerPort => 110,
> Proto => 'tcp',
> LocalPort => 110,
> Timeout => 120
> ) and last;
> }
> # obj is undefined now. why?
> unless ( defined $obj ) {
> $sl->log_serror(__FILE__, __LINE__, Apache2::Const::LOG_ERR,
> APR::Const::SUCCESS, "XXX:: undef obj! ERROR. ");
> }
> # vuhung
> # ref:
> return undef
> unless defined $obj;
> }

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