on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/install.html
the following section can be found:

For some of the support scripts like apxs or dbmmanage (which are written
in Perl) the Perl 5 interpreter is required (versions 5.003 or newer are
sufficient). If you have multiple Perl interpreters (for example, a
systemwide install of Perl 4, and your own install of Perl 5), you are
advised to use the --with-perl option (see below) to make sure the
correct one is used by configure. If no Perl 5 interpreter is found by
the configure script, you will not be able to use the affected support
scripts. Of course, you will still be able to build and use Apache 2.0.

There is however no section below explaining the --with-perl option.
I am trying to upgrade perl 5.8.7 to 5.8.8 but apache always takes 5.8.7.
everywhere else my system uses perl 5.8.8

Does anyone know how --with-perl option works ?
or how to compile apache with perl 5.8.8 if this is not the correct way.


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