Hi all,

I have a weird problem: on startup apache executes 4 times a Perl Script
I included via

 PerlPostConfigRequire startup.pl

in the httpd.conf. The startup script contains following code:


 my $file = 'c:\tmp\test.txt';
 open(INFO ,">>$file") || die "Error $!";
 print INFO "test\n";
 close INFO;
 print STDERR "test...\n";

After starting the apache server (with an empty test.txt) the error.log
contains as expectet one time "test..." and the test.txt contains
curiously four times "test". That means apache has executed the
startup.pl four times.

I have found http://modperlbook.org/html/ch04_07.html but that "apache
config test" would only explain the execution of two times.

Actually the startup.pl contains some code for preloading a huge amount
of modules, so this needs about 10 seconds instead of 2 or 3.

Hope anybody knows or can explain this behaviour.

Thanks and best regards

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