Perrin Harkins schrieb:
On 9/19/07, Torsten Krah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now i configured the "otherhost" to do a permanent redirect when /time/blog is
If i request this uri, the redirect is done like configured there - my filter
does not get called.

It's possible that mod_proxy doesn't cooperate with filters, but I
thought it did.  You might try turning on some mod_rewrite logging to
get a better view of what's happening.  You could also do the proxy
request yourself from perl, although it's less efficient than

- Perrin
I am still working on it, but it thought i got a possible working solution using a request based output filter.

If the redirect is done with the "Location" Header it seems to work - the output filter is kicked in after the mod_proxy response, i can analyze $r->header_out->{Location} and if it matches whatever i want, i can do the $r->internal_redirect(uri) which than delivers with some help of mod_proxy and mod_rewrite again what i want under the "old request url", for things which dont match DECLINED is returned and all is fine.
Any "things" i've missed doing things this way?

Whats not working yet - maybe it wont ever. dont know yet - is the scanario where the redirect is done from a .htaccess rule for example with "redirect permanent /a /b" (maybe the servlet response.sendRedirect wont work too here, still have to try this) - the filter does not get called, don't know yet why, but i'll investigating this.

Althoug because the first solution works and i can influence the way the redirect is done in my scenario this is a possible way to go. thx for your help.


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