Perrin Harkins wrote:
Also, have you tried running your code in the debugger to try to see
when the second socket appears?

Hee, no. This is an Apache2 PerlAuthenHandler. How do I run that under the debugger ? (I am not at all familiar with the debugger per se, so if this is a big setup, it might be more efficient to go another route.)

From the logfile of the database module (the external server to which I connect from the handler), I do see when the two sockets appear though : at the same second or within 1 second of one another. I can also see that one of these sockets indeed receives what the handler sends it as a request, while the other one receives nothing.

Now, assuming for a moment that indeed the handler opens the connection only once (what I see in the Apache logfile), and that the external target server sees two connections being opened (what I see in its logfile); and assuming that the handler itself is called only once at the proper time (what I also see in the Apache logfile), then what conceivable explanation could there be ? I mean, purely in the abstract, is there any circumstance in which a single execution of an IO::Socket::INET->new() or a "socket() + connect()" could possibly open 2 connections to the same destination ?

Or else : does anyone know of another simple-to-set-up mod_perl/Apache2 module that opens a connection to an external server, and which I could run to see if it does the same kind of thing ?

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