
I'm reading the documents about modperl and C API for Apache.I have
several questions again,thanks for any helps in advance.

1) what're the advantage of C modules than modperl modules?and what're
the advantage of modperl modules than C's?

2) Where in startup.pl,I wrote,

use MIME::Base64 ();

then in Mymodule.pm,I wrote,

use MIME::Base64 qw/encode_base64/;

from the documents I know that in Mymodule MIME::Base64 won't be
loaded again since it's already loaded by startup.pl (modperl checks
the %INC and know it's already there).
But,why the function of encode_base64() can be successfully loaded
since the loading action doesn't happen in Mymodule?As you see,in
startup.pl I don't load that function encode_base64().


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