William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

I'd especially appreciate any input from Tom w.r.t. the ease of adding
APR_NO_FILE flags to apr_procattr_io_set() members whom are not allowed
to have a handle at all, eg. how this works out with mod_fcgid and similar

The proposed patch works correctly with mod_fcgid v2.2 and with mod_fastcgi (the 9/23/2007 snapshot).

Both modules needed to be changed (of course) to accommodate the new APR_NO_FILE requirement. The change was straightforward.

I tested with the Apache 2.2.6-r2 source + your patch:
on Win2k. Both VC6 and VC8 builds.

Also added comments to httpd bug 43329. I'll ping both sets of developers to see when they can make the necessary changes to their modules.


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