Access handler always comes *before* authentication/authorization.
Maybe add the legal agreement as part of the authorization handler or as
a Fixup handler?



David Eisner wrote:
> We have a section of our website that is protected by Basic
> username/password authentication.  I've been asked to setup a system
> where, once successfully authenticated, users are taken to a legal
> agreement page which they are asked to accept before they can continue
> to the page they requested.
> I'm using mod_perl 2.0.3 to implement this.  The basic system now
> works.  I have a PerlAccessHandler installed for the protected portion
> of the site, which checks for the presence of an "ACCEPT_LA" cookie.
> If the cookie is not set, the user is redirected to a form with the
> agreement and "I Agree" / "I Do Not Agree" buttons.  If they agree,
> the ACCEPT_LA cookie is set and they are redirected to the page they
> originally requested.
> The only problem right now is that when visiting a URL in the
> protected part of the site, the user *first* gets taken to the legal
> agreement, and if they accept it, they are *then* asked to login.  The
> desired behavior is that the user first gets the Basic AuthType
> username/password dialog, and if they successfully login, then they
> get taken to the agreement page.
> How can I change the ordering of the handlers to achieve this?  I
> checked the documentation and it seems incomplete, indicating that
> Hook Ordering is "not working."  [1]  Is that the end of the story?
> Thanks.
> -David
> [1] 

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