Foo JH wrote:
Thinking from the perspective of the developer who tries very hard to avoid dealing with C/C++, can the ApacheLounge patches and compilation do the trick?

Your question is irrelevant.  Reread the post.

Caveat: have not read the dialog on the mailing list described.

Might be a good idea first.

It's essential underlying issues, not a matter for how someone builds
httpd, unless httpd is build against MSVCRT.DLL (which the ASF is doing,
but most VS 2005 users aren't.)

My point was (if you reread the post) that if modperl is built in the
same way as *perl*, and some minor code changes are made with respect
to how perl creates a MSVCR## perl-friendly environment, some of these
unavoidable issues might be avoided ;-)

If httpd | modperl is the demarcation, then the various ways that
modperl directly manipulates perl internals (and how xs extentions
interact with perl internals) aren't an issue, and for the most part
there should not these sorts of issues between modperl and httpd if
we do get that demarcation right.


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