Hello all,

2008/2/6, titetluc titetluc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Oups
> I answered directly to Torsten by error
> Here is my answer and the reply
> 2008/2/6, Torsten Foertsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > On Wed 06 Feb 2008, titetluc titetluc wrote:
> > > The module I am developing has to delete the cookie if it is not
> > refreshed
> > > regularly.
> > > The question: how can I manage this timeout inactivity ?
> > > The best solution would be to use a mechanism where callbacks
> > (deleting the
> > > cookie rfom the database) would be called automatically on inactivity.
> > > Does such an API is proposed by :
> > >      . the APR API
> > >      . mod_perl API
> > >      . an Apache2::xxx perl module
> > >      . a CPAN module
> > >
> > > If not, how can I solve my problem ? (I could verify regularly in the
> > DB
> > > storage, but this is a last resort solution. Even in this case, how
> > could I
> > > implement it ?)
> >
> >
> > Apache (at least 2.2.x) implements a "monitor" hook, see
> > server/mpm_common.c.
> > To use this hook you'd have to write a bit XS stuff like Geoff's
> > AuthenHook, ... since there is AFAIK no CPAN module. This hook is run
> > from
> > time to time in the parent apache.
> >
> > Otherwise there are 2 standard ways to do that:
> >
> > - a cron job or something similar in the DB itself
> > - check each time in a connection cleanup handler (to do it not too
> > often you
> > can use a global variable that holds the timestamp of the last cleanup
> > and
> > run it only if the difference to the current time grows too big.)
I am using the Apache::Session module to manage  ... sessions.
Apache::Session does not manage session expiration
I found the following comment on the CPAN rating on Apache::Session module (

"There is no support for temporary session keys. I'd like to be able to set
a key that expires in X minutes. This can be handled by writing your own
wrapper that sets a special session key, but it would be nice to be in the
API somewhere.

I've since switched my site over to using Data::Uniqid for session ID
generation and Cache::FileCache for storing temporary form data.
Data::Uniqid assures me that the ID it generates is very unique, so I don't
have to store every session in my database. And FileCache has the expiration
support I need for holding temporary form data."

I am not sure this will solve my problem, but I think this is also a good

I'd go for one of the standard ways since:
> >
> > - easier to implement
> > - your code doesn't run as root
> > One naive question: how can I declare a global variable under mod_perl ?
> > Each request is run with a thread and by default Perl does not share
> > variables !
> > I declared my variable as shared (using the threads::shared module) but
> > this declaration does not seem to be sufficient in a mod_perl
> environment
> > !!!
> I meant something like this:
> package My::Cleanup;
> use strict;
> use Apache2::Const -compile=>('OK', 'DECLINED');
> use Apache2::RequestRec ();
> use Apache2::Connection ();
> use APR::Pool ();
> my $lastrun=0;         # this is the global variable: one per process

my $check_interval=60; #check every minute
> sub run {
>  my $time=time;
>  if( $time>$lastrun+$check_interval ) {
>    $lastrun=$time;
>    # here you can check the modification time ((stat)[9]) of a file on
> disk
>    # flock() it with LOCK_NB set and return if flock fails.
>    # alternatively you can implement an interface to apr_proc_mutex which
> is
>    # quite easy, see ThreadMutex for example.
>    # or you implement $lastrun in your database.
>    # or you use BerkeleyDB which is actually shared memory.
>    # doit
>    ...
>  }
>  return Apache2:Const::OK;
> }
> sub handler {
>  my ($r)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
>  unless( $r->connection->pnotes->{cleanup_installed} ) {
>    $r->connection->pool->cleanup_register(\&run);
>    $r->connection->pnotes->{cleanup_installed}=1;
>  }
>  return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
> }
> Then:
> # install it either as PerlPostReadRequestHandler or as
> # PerlHeaderParserHandler
> PerlInitHandler My::Cleanup
> I'd implement the process global variable as shown plus perhaps another
> variable in the database if the session is stored there. It depends on how
> expensive your cleanup is.
> Torsten
> Torsten
> >

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