Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Feb 11, 2008 9:44 AM, Dylan Tynan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm wondering what would happen if I --didn't---have an ithreads-enabled Perl,
but still set up the httpd.conf with the virtual-host/+parent stanzas?

Try it and see.  I doubt anyone will know offhand.

I take it the only real way around the above situation is either to use an
ithreads-enabled Perl or to run separate apaches... is there some other way?

You can make your module names unique so they don't conflict.

If you're not on Windows, there are good reasons to avoid ithreads
(performance hit, memory overhead), so I always go with the separate
apaches approach.

- Perrin

Perrin, I think you deserve lots of appreciations. Just want to let it out.

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