Hello mod_perl Gurus,

I'm not sure if this is a mod_perl issue or just an Apache configuration
issue.  Please redirect me if appropriate.

My Configuration:
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32)
Perl: v5.8.8
mod_perl 2.0
I have also followed all the directions through the Registry Scripts
section at: http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/os/win32/config.html

Here's The Problem
I have several Perl scripts and a module in C:/Apache2/cgi-bin/ridhwan/.
Each script has a submit button that will display a new page. All my
scripts work fine when accessed from this type of URL: 


I would like to use mod_perl to handle these scripts.  So, rather than
set up a new directory on the filesystem, I have put the following in
the httpd.conf file.  Note that it is supposed to remove the /cgi-bin/
part of the path: 
Alias /ridhwan/ "C:/Apache2/cgi-bin/ridhwan/" 
<Location /ridhwan> 
   SetHandler perl-script 
   PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry 
   Options +ExecCGI 
   PerlOptions +ParseHeaders 

The result is that when I click on a URL like the following (i.e.
missing the the /cgi-bin/): 


the script displays fine....but clicking the submit button doesn't do
anything....it just redisplays the same page. But it's the *same script*
as in the first link.  It's just being accessed through the alias. So, I
don't understand why it doesn't work.

Any idea what's wrong?


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