FYI - RC5 has gone through some vetting on the dev list and no test
failures have been found so far.  Please take if for a spin if you have a
chance and report back success or failure.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] Apache-Reload-0.10-RC5
From:    "Fred Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Thu, February 14, 2008 7:16 am


RC5 for Apache::Reload is now available.  RC4 was a bust since I didn't
follow my own additions to the RELEASE document :)  Note to self -
caffeinate before releasing.

Thanks to Steve Hay for working through some win32 related issues with me.
 I'd like to get that resolved at some point but it appears to be

There are a few other nits I would like to get taken care of but if this
candidate passes tests I'd like to let it into the main list, then into
the wild if passing reports come back.  One nit is that 'perl Makefile.PL'
will die on platforms that don't have mod_perl installed, causing a test
failure in CPAN testers.  I ran into this issue with Apache::Dispatch - no
solution yet.

- all tests skipped successfully in environment without mod_perl.c on
Linux 2.6, perl 5.8.8
- all tests pass on mp1, perl 5.8.8, darwin 10.5.2
- all tests pass on mp2, perl 5.8.8, darwin 10.5.2
- all tests pass on mp2, perl 5.8.8, darwin 10.5.2,

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