Hello Folks,

OpenCA tells me I need IO:Socket::SSL which apparently needs Net::SSLeay.  
Installing Net::SSLeay from  the interactive CPAN utility fails.  So I 
downloaded Net-SSLeay-1.32.  At the top of the README for Net-SSLeay-.32 is the 

README - Net::SSLeay  Perl module for using OpenSSL

Later the reaadme says:

Note: SSLeay is no longer supported. If you want to use Net::SSLeay with
      SSLeay or early versions of OpenSSL, use version 1.03. The support
      for SSLeay was dropped due to nobody maintaining it (all active
      work goes on with OpenSSL) and due to incompatible API changes
      in OpenSSL-0.9.2b. OpenSSL-0.9.1c support has also been dropped,
      version 1.03 was the last one to support that.

Huh?  If SSLeay is not supported then what is Net-SSLeay-1.32 for?  What do I 
neeed to get IO::Socket:SSL to install?

Robert A. Ober

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