Anthony R Fletcher wrote:
I have a module that does authentication and authorisation. In my Apache
configs I have:

        PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthX::authenticate
        PerlAuthzHandler  Apache2::AuthX::authorise

I'd rather just use:

        PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthX
        PerlAuthzHandler  Apache2::AuthX

and let the handler function Apache2::AuthX::handler() deduce what has
to be done (i.e. authenticate or authorise).

You do end up paying a small overhead in forcing that determination at
run time in your code, but I agree it's somewhat neater.

How can handlers tell which phase they are currently in?


Philippe M. Chiasson     GPG: F9BFE0C2480E7680 1AE53631CB32A107 88C3A5A5       m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/

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