Hi John,

I've written such custom container few weeks ago,
and meet the same problems as you.

First, don't use the EXEC_ON_READ option.
Indeed, it doesn't work. Unfortunately, I don't know why.
But it doesn't care, you can perform your job  without using it.

I've written a small perl function to solve the as_string issue.

# Unfortunately, directive->as_string doesn't expand
# the content of all embeded sub-containers.
# Because directive->as_string seems to be buggy
# We load the content of the custom container
# by recursing into the directive tree
sub loadContent {
   my ($directive, $contentRef) = @_;

   my @newContent;
for (my $currentDirective = $directive->first_child; $currentDirective; $currentDirective = $currentDirective->next) {
       if ($currentDirective->first_child) {
my ($containerName) = $currentDirective->directive =~ m/<\s*(.+)$/;

die "Container directive expected instead of " . $currentDirective->directive unless ($containerName);

my $containerBegin = $currentDirective->directive . " " . $currentDirective->args;
           push(@newContent, $containerBegin);
           loadContent($currentDirective, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
           my $containerEnd = "</" . $containerName . ">";
           push(@newContent, $containerEnd);
       } else {
my $line = $currentDirective->directive . " " . $currentDirective->args;
           push(@newContent, $line);

   push(@$contentRef, @newContent);

Finally, you can write your custom container using this function :

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(NO_ARGS OR_ALL RAW_ARGS);

use Apache2::CmdParms ();
use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::Directive ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();

my @directives = (
       name         => '<StdVHost',
       func         => __PACKAGE__ . '::StdVHost',
       req_override => Apache2::Const::OR_ALL,
       args_how     => Apache2::Const::RAW_ARGS,
       errmsg       => 'Std vhosts container',
       name         => '</StdVHost>',
       func         => __PACKAGE__ . "::StdVHost_END",
       errmsg       => 'end of StdVHost without beginning?',
       args_how     => Apache2::Const::NO_ARGS,
       req_override => Apache2::Const::OR_ALL,
Apache2::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

sub StdVHost {
   my ($self, $parms, $arg) = @_;

   # Load the container configuration content
   my $directive = $parms->directive;
   my @content;
   loadContent($directive, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

   # ... Do your custom job
# For example dynamically add apache configuration directives read inside the custom container :
   Apache2::ServerUtil->server->add_config([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

sub StdVHost_END {
   die "</StdVHost> outside a <StdVHost> container\n";

Hope this example can help you.

Best regards


Le 23.12.-28158 20:59, John Hallam a écrit :

I'm trying to create a custom block directive, following the documentation in the ModPerl2 book (or the on-line documentation). The minimal code for the problem I am seeing is below. I have the following block in apache2.conf for the new block <StdVHost ...> and the module is in the /root/apache2 tree as required.

PerlSwitches -wT -Mlib=/root/apache2
PerlLoadModule MyApache::StdVHost;

<StdVHost test arguments>

<Directory /var/www >
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all

I see two behaviours: if EXEC_ON_READ is set, by removing the string ', #' in the code below, the handler is never invoked -- at least die "..." is not visibly executed; if EXEC_ON_READ is unset, the handler is invoked but $cont is just the first line <Directory /var/www> and not the whole block. Neither is what I wanted :-((.

The problem seems to have been reported back in 2005, with similar code, and an implication that it was to be fixed. So what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

    John Hallam

# PERL module for automating a standard virtual host configuration for Apache

package MyApache::StdVHost;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(RSRC_CONF RAW_ARGS EXEC_ON_READ);

use Apache2::CmdParms ();
use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::Directive ();

use Apache2::ServerUtil ();

my @directives
   = (
      # Definition of a StdVHost container
      # Note that EXEC_ON_READ is necessary, according to the
      # mod_perl2 book, but in fact breaks things if included
      # by stopping the handler from being called.

      name        => '<StdVHost',
      func        => __PACKAGE__ . '::StdVHost',
      errmsg    => 'StdVHost minimal test package',
      args_how    => Apache2::Const::RAW_ARGS,
req_override => Apache2::Const::RSRC_CONF, #| Apache2::Const::EXEC_ON_READ,

Apache2::Module::add( __PACKAGE__, [EMAIL PROTECTED] );

# Handler for the config directive.
# It is unclear how to get the content of the <StdVHost> directive
# container:  maybe it has not been read when this routine is called?
# With RAW_ARGS, the first line of the content is available as
# $parms->directive->as_string but how do you get the rest??

sub StdVHost {
    my ($self,$parms,$arg) = @_;
    my $cont = $parms->directive->as_string();

    die "StdVHost arg='$arg' cont='$cont'";


fn:Frederic Paillart
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