titetluc titetluc wrote:

I am writing a new mod_perl Apache (mod_perl2) to manage session tracking and SSO This module defines a new Apache directive (MyNewDirective), which is usable in a <location>, <files><directory> block.

For example
<Location /a_test>
    Set-Handler perl-script
    MyNewDirective a_test arg1 arg2
    PerlResponseHandler ResponseHandlerToTestTheNewDirective
<Location /another_test>
    Set-Handler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ResponseHandlerToTestTheNewDirective

When this directive is used, my module should a PerlLogHandler automatically to obtain the following configuration
<Location /a_test>
    Set-Handler perl-script
    MyNewDirective a_test arg1 arg2
    PerlResponseHandler ResponseHandlerToTestTheNewDirective
    PerlLogHandler TestPerlLogHandler
<Location /another_test>
    Set-Handler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler ResponseHandlerToTestTheNewDirective

I tried to use the push_handler method when the 'MyNewDirective' is defined.

my @directives = ({name => 'MyNewDirective ', func => __PACKAGE__.'::MyNewDirective'});

Apache2::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);

sub MyNewDirective {
    my ($self, $parms, $arg) = @_;

    # blablabla

$parms->server->push_handlers(PerlLogHandler => sub {my ($r) _ @_; $r->server->error_log('hello world'); return Apache2::Const::OK;});

Right here, you are adding your handler to the current *server* configuration
object, effectively enabling this handler for eery requests to that server/vhost

    # blablabla

This code works ... but for any blocks.
For example, if I access the URI '/a_test', the PerlLogHandler will be called BUT if I access the URI '/another_test', the PerlLogHandler will also be called.

See above.

Do I use the mod_perl API correctly ?

Correctly, yes. Unfortunately, it's not what you are trying to do.

What is wrong in my code ?

If you want to push your loghandler only for requests for your configured
module, I would just delay the loghandler registration until runtime and
do it in your content handler with


Or you can do it in your command handler, but like so

sub MyLogHandler {

sub MyNewDirective {
  my ($self, $param, $arg) = @_;

  $parms->add_config(["PerlLogHandler MyLogHandler"]);

Philippe M. Chiasson     GPG: F9BFE0C2480E7680 1AE53631CB32A107 88C3A5A5
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