John Gateley wrote:

> Prototype mismatch: sub 
> ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::PerlRun::home_yadb_httpd_cgi_2dbin_CoverArtSubmitFile_2ecgi::lstat:
>  none vs ($) at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ line 65.
>  at /home/yadb/httpd/cgi-bin/CoverArtSubmitFile.cgi line 13
> CoverArtSubmitFile.cgi line 13 is:
> use File::stat;

So by default it's trying to override the built-in stat() function. Seems to be
conflicting. Overriding built-in's usually not a good idea.

> My subsequent calls to stat work fine, so it's not fatal:
> my $StatObj = stat($TempFile->filename);

Seems strange the you're using File::stat because it provides object oriented
access to that information, yet you're calling it as a function, not a
namespaced method. Try replacing that with (notice my non-use of CamelCase :)

  my $stat_obj = File::stat->new($temp_file->filename);

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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