Torsten Foertsch wrote:
On Tue 10 Jun 2008, John ORourke wrote:
I had a bug with an interesting side effect which I want to understand.

I wanted to redirect the user's browser, and in my response handler I
was setting $r->status(302) but returning Apache2::Const::OK instead of
the correct Apache2::Const::DONE.

return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT

This caused Apache to perform an internal redirect.  Can someone explain
what was happening in terms of handlers and subrequests or point me to
the right doc page?

This is just a guess. So it may be completely wrong. But good old CGI allows you to send "Status: 200" along with a Location header to perform an internal redirect.

mod_perl does the same if the perl-script handler is used and PerlOptions +ParseHeaders. So I'd dig in that direction if that matches your setup. Otherwise it is probably an Apache thing.

If you find out what it was tell me, please.

this thread mentions it a few times[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg36041.html

and I explain the internal mechanism here

and I know I explained this at length dev@ in at least one drawn out occasion, but I can't find it at the moment.



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