On Fri 27 Jun 2008, titetluc titetluc wrote:
> Would it be rather a wrong httpd configuration: my requirement is very
> common (calling a response handler for an index.html and access the r->user
> information). I may misconfigure Apache ????
> BTW, how can I verify if it is a bug ? Which apache mailing list do I have
> to use ?

On the apache httpd website http://httpd.apache.org you'll find instructions 
how to file a bug.

I have verified it without mod_perl with apache 2.2.9:

DirectoryIndex index.shtml
Options Includes Indexes
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

<Location /index.shtml>
    Require valid-user
    AuthType basic
    AuthName "Something very secret"
    AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd

My index.shtml reads:

<h1>Hello <!--#echo var="REMOTE_USER" --></h1>
<!--#printenv -->

If /index.shtml is requested all works normal. If only / is requested I get 
the password prompt. Then it shows the page but the REMOTE_USER variable is 
unset. This variable is r->user.

File the bug then send its number to the list. I'll fill in the details. In 
your bug description you can reference this thread:



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