Hey list,

Here's how I managed to solve it

my $subr = $r->lookup_uri( $redirect );
 $subr->add_output_filter( My::Filter::build_handler( $cgi, $messages ) );

build_handler returns a sub which expects to be used like a filter. This way I can build this sub with request-specific information for altering the html generated by the subrequest.

- Stephen

Jim Brandt wrote:

Just a guess since I haven't done it, but maybe the input_filters method would give you the Filter object you need?



Stephen Howard wrote:
Hi Mark,

The other pages on the site are not broken. I appreciate your attempt to identify an underlying flaw, but that is not the case here, and I am aware of the vagaries of html parsing (which is why I leave it in the capable hands of HTML::FillInForm).

My question is how do I create a Apache2::Filter "object" to pass into lookup_uri() when all the filter documentation i've seen suggests that filters are subroutines. I'd love to be able to just pass in a subroutine as the second argument to lookup_uri, but none of the documentation suggests that as the way to go.

- Stephen

Mark Hedges wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Stephen Howard wrote:

I have a form validator PerlResponseHandler (using
Data::FormValidator) that needs to repopulate a form upon
failure.  Problem is, the original form is not generated
by the handler, but by other pages on the site.  My
thinking is that I ought to be able to do a lookup_uri and
pass it a filter that can repopulate the html correctly,
but the online docs for filters is failing me. The
lookup_uri documentation says that it takes an
Apache2::Filter object, but nowhere can I find information
on how to create one of these.  Whatever filter I build
I'll need to be able to pass into it data specific to the
parent request in order to repopulate the html form
correctly.  How do I do this?

Have you considered fixing the "other pages on the site"?

Pattern-matching HTML that will then be subject to change by
other people on these "other pages" is going to drive you
crazy.  Why not just make the forms do what they're supposed
to do?


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