Mr. Foertsch, that was a wonderful reply.  Just what the doctor ordered.  

> If you are using the prefork MPM (as you probably do) you can still 
> manipulate the environment without affecting other requests. But you 
> have to use the C-level functions. There is a module called Env::C on 
> CPAN that provides a Perl interface to them.

Yes, I am using the prefork MPM.

I have put together a test of this, and Env::C works as advertised.  For those 
variables that need to be passed to the subprocess, lines like this suffice:

foreach my $var_name ( qw/DB_SVR TEST1 TEST2/ ) {
        Env::C::setenv( $var_name, $ENV{ $varname}, 1);

Very simple.  Of course there's scant documentation on the required environment 
variables in most of the scripts that I'll be calling, but that's a different 

> Let's have a look at the reason for this behavior first. It's always 
> better to know what you are doing. Apache 2.x can use various MPMs. 
> Some of them use threads instead of processes to achieve parallelism. 
> Now, the environment is a process global resource. So, if 
> those values are changed all threads are affected. This is surely no 
> what you want.

When you say that the environment is a global process, global to what?  Each 
forked process has its own environment, doesn't it?  It seems to me from the 
brief piece in the User Guide about this and what you've said, that threaded 
environments are the real problem here.  In the case of threaded environments, 
the environment is shared among all threads, whereas forked processes can and 
do have distinct environments per process.  Is this correct?  That means (as 
suggested in the relevant source comments) that a solution for the forked MPM 
would be much easier than for those that are threaded.  Right?

> Therefore there is a request specific data structure called 
> subprocess_env where environment variables for CGI scripts 
> are kept. If you use the Apache interface to spawn subprocesses 
> (Apache2::SubProcess) you'll notice that variables set in 
> subprocess_env appear as environment variables of the spawned 
> process. Under mod_perl %ENV is tied to $r->subprocess_env.

Do you need to explicitly set environment variables in subprocess_env to have 
them show up in the environment of the forked process, or do they get passed 

Just because I wanted to think this thing through... if you fork off a Perl 
script, for example, and that Perl script forks off another process, that is 
done using standard forking so the environment is passed to the forked process. 
 That was what my experimentation showed up anyway.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Torsten Foertsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 3:15 PM
> To:
> Cc: Berg, Eric
> Subject: Re: mp2, IPC::Run3 && Environment Variables giving 
> "variable not set" error
> On Fri 15 Aug 2008, Berg, Eric wrote:
> > This issue of the environment variables' not being passed to forked
> > processes is turning into a fairly substantial problem for me.   We
> > have a number of places in our code -- both the modules that are
> > tightly controlled and fairly easy to manage, as well as a bunch of
> > scripts and CGI's that use them -- that use system or backticks
> > (sometimes via IPC::Run3) to get info from external tools.
> >
> > Does anybody know anything about this issue or about the code
> > involved?  How difficult would it be to address this?  I took a look
> > at the code in modperl_env.c as suggested in the docs, but 
> I'm a Perl
> > guy, not a C guy.  
> >
> > This is a deal killer for us.  
> Therefore there is a request specific data structure called 
> subprocess_env where environment variables for CGI scripts 
> are kept. If  you use the Apache interface to spawn subprocesses 
> (Apache2::SubProcess) you'll notice that variables set in 
> subprocess_env appear as environment variables of the spawned 
> process.  Under mod_perl %ENV is tied to $r->subprocess_env.
> Torsten
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