I use IPC::Run3 quite a bit, and it's a good option for retrieving STDIN
and STDOUT from a forked process.

Be aware that with mod_perl2, subprocesses which are forked using system
and backticks (IPC::Run3 uses system) DO NOT INHERIT THE ENVIRONMENT OF

You can get around this by explicitly setting them with Env::C, on the
command line using the "ENV1=val1 ENV2=val2 /path/to/prog param1 param2"
syntax, though I don't think that's available to you using
IPC::Run3...don't hold me to that.

Alternatively, you can use the native Apache2 forking code, which is
available in Apache2::SubProcess.

BTW, thanks to Torsten Foertsch who helped me understand this problem in
a thread entitled 'mp2, IPC::Run3 && Environment Variables giving
"variable not set" error' on this list last week.

Not sure that these solutions will work for a threaded MPM either.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Perrin Harkins
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 12:47 PM
> To: Niels Larsen
> Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
> Subject: Re: mod_perl2 STDOUT question
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:26 AM, Niels Larsen 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can put
> > the command line to run in backticks and do print [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
> > that too works, but would like to use system, Proc::SafeExec, etc.
> To fork and capture output without backticks, you have to do something
> with pipes, like the IPC::Open* modules do.  This isn't
> mod_perl-specific and I think you can find some good examples in the
> perl documentation.  Maybe perlopentut would be a good starting place?
> - Perrin
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