I dont have a good answer. But editing the Makefile may hide the real
error .. which error appears when not editing the Makefile, and Google
with that error, no hints? what happens if -Dloclibpth="/usr/lib64"
is omitted? and of curiosity, what was the reason for going back to
perl 5.8 from 5.10? (i feel 5.10 is less stable than 5.8, but doesnt
get in my way).


OK, I tried this:

sh ./Configure -de -Accflags='-fPIC' -Dprefix=/usr/local \

one peculiarity of my make, gnu make 3.81, is I have to edit the makefile to comment out all the lines like:
av$(OBJ_EXT): <command-line>
or it won't work.

So make works, make test works, but gives various warnings like:
makefile:612: target `lib/auto/Encode/Byte/Byte.a' given more than once in the same rule. makefile:612: target `lib/auto/Encode/CN/CN.a' given more than once in the same rule.

After installing, if I try and run a CGI script with /usr/local/bin/perl, from the command line, I get: Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xda2bf0 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Template.pm line 916. Weak references are not implemented in the version of perl at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/CGI/FormBuilder.pm line 15

This script ran yesterday with the Perl 5.8.8 I had build all the modules with. Trying to run perl -MCPAN also seg faults.

What gives? -fPIC seems to make the interpreter useless, but I can't build mod_perl without it.


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