Neil Gunton wrote:
Well, the du just finished, it took 214 minutes to complete. I just took
a look at one of the directories in the cache. Now, I have it set for a
depth of 3, so I looked at d/d/d just randomly selected. Then I did a du
there. Here's the output:

server:/var/cache/www/d/d/d# du -h
4.0K    ./2BykLs49Xm7cnV6MrWA.header.vary/Y/z/m
8.0K    ./2BykLs49Xm7cnV6MrWA.header.vary/Y/z
12K    ./2BykLs49Xm7cnV6MrWA.header.vary/Y
16K    ./2BykLs49Xm7cnV6MrWA.header.vary
4.0K    ./YFPZLpyo_NRtEUoJQQA.header.vary/k/a/y
8.0K    ./YFPZLpyo_NRtEUoJQQA.header.vary/k/a
12K    ./YFPZLpyo_NRtEUoJQQA.header.vary/k
16K    ./YFPZLpyo_NRtEUoJQQA.header.vary
16K    ./[EMAIL PROTECTED]@QqLWnrA.header.vary/F/O/b
20K    ./[EMAIL PROTECTED]@QqLWnrA.header.vary/F/O
24K    ./[EMAIL PROTECTED]@QqLWnrA.header.vary/F
28K    ./[EMAIL PROTECTED]@QqLWnrA.header.vary
4.0K    ./FrakgI6EKDUjb4dgMXQ.header.vary/G/N/n
8.0K    ./FrakgI6EKDUjb4dgMXQ.header.vary/G/N
12K    ./FrakgI6EKDUjb4dgMXQ.header.vary/G
16K    ./FrakgI6EKDUjb4dgMXQ.header.vary
80K    .

So you see, there are actually a lot more directories there than you
might assume based on a 3-level tree! I didn't know it was doing all
this as well, it makes more sense now that it would take a long time to
traverse - we're talking about a huge number of directories after you do
3 levels, one for each letter (large and small case) at each level, then
throw in those additional sub-levels... for EVERY leaf of the 3-level
tree, that's staggering. I need to look into the documentation for
mod_cache to see if there is something I need to tweak with this "vary"
stuff - maybe it's doing more than it has to, but I just don't know.

It seems like this might have something to do with mod_deflate, which I am using in combination with mod_disk_cache. This page gives a clue that there might be a problem with the way files are cached when these modules are both enabled:

Seems like a very recent post (Nov 18th).

Any ideas? Seems like a big problem, if you're trying to use a reverse proxy on a large dynamic site, and also optimize bandwidth by using mod_deflate too.


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