> > - a lot of times people use references to other
> > structures when they should subclass... these references
> > function only to re-map arguments to other modules,
> > which is ridiculous.
> Careful on the should.  It can seem extra and possibly
> confusing but isn't always.  Delegation is a valid pattern
> that is cleaner than inheriting at times, particularly
> when you're mixing in a few different modules at the same
> time to do something.  If you're merely extending an
> existing, then yes, inheritance is good. 
> Multi-directional multi-inheritance can get really
> messy... (as I dug myself out of in development recently
> myself)  if you haven't read, at least scan...

Regarding your comment about inheritance vs. references -
something I hadn't thought much about.  A) I need to prefix
all my internal method names with 'a2c_' to stay out of
the controller namespace.  B) You can't have any controller
subroutines with the same names as anything in the
Apache2::Request* family, which (slightly) limits your
choice of allowable URL's.  But I think it's worth it so
that '$self' is the Apache object.  What do people think?

I wonder how easy it would be to add controller subroutine
attributes for which ones are allowed or not, ala Catalyst,
instead of the controller having to provide an
'allowed_methods' method.


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