André Warnier wrote:

In those name/value pairs, according to HTML 4 at least, the names must begin with a letter [A-Za-z]. The empty string does not do so. Garbage in, garbage out.

+ :
Above the OP is talking about a request "body". Are we sure that this is really a request body, and not a query-string ?
What does the <form> tag really look like ? (enctype)
Just thinking that if this is a query-string, is it not just being cut off after a certain size ? It would not be possible to submit this data as multipart/form-data, for a similar reason to what Phil says.

It's regular form data using the post method, so no length issue and normal URI parameter rules apply. I suspect Phil is correct but I can't find any mention of this in the HTML 4 spec, which is what prompted my question. Phil, can you point me to the part of the spec which specifies that a field name must begin with an ASCII letter?


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