On Sun 15 Feb 2009, Roger Munk wrote:
> I have the following directives in my sites-available/default
> configuration:
>        DocumentRoot /var/www/
>        Alias /portal/ /var/www/drupal6/
>        PerlRequire "/etc/apache2/ModPerl/TE/ST.pm"
>         <Location /portal/>
>             SetHandler modperl
>             PerlOutputFilterHandler TE::ST
>         </Location>
> When the SetHandler and PerlOutputFilterHandler are commented out,
> the redirection from /portal to /var/www/drupal6 works correctly.
> However, when the SetHandler and PerlOutputFilterHander are enabled I
> get the following error messages:
> [Mon Feb 16 22:43:40 2009] [error] [client] Attempt to
> serve directory: /var/www/drupal6/, referer:
> [Mon Feb 16 22:43:40 2009] [error] [client] script
> '/var/www/index.php' not found or unable to stat, referer:
> Why would the SetHandler and PerlOutputFilterHandler stop the Alias
> directive from working correctly?

It does not. You see the first message? That is the result of the alias. 
The thing that confuses me is what do you want to achieve 
by "SetHandler modperl" but leaving out the PerlResponseHandler?

If your page is generated by php and you only want to postprocess it on 
its way out then drop the SetHandler. The PerlOutputFilterHandler does 
not need a "SetHandler modperl".


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