Hello all,

Under mod_perl 2, stderr for all virtual hosts seems to be opened to the global Apache 2 error log (/var/log/apache2/error.log or similar). How do I get stderr output to go to the ErrorLog that is defined for each virtual host?

Our organization maintains several mod_perl sites, each of which runs as its own virtual host. They are currently implemented as CGI scripts running under Apache 1.3, mod_perl 1, with Apache::Registry.

I am porting them from mod_perl 1/Apache 1.3/Apache::Registry to mod_perl 2/Apache2/ModPerl::Registry. Under the old setup, stderr from scripts in each vhost used to go into that vhost's error log, but now that I have them running under the new setup, their stderr is going to the global apache log. I want the stderr for each vhost to go to its own error log.

Thanks in advance.


Robert Buels
Bioinformatics Analyst, Sol Genomics Network
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
Tower Rd
Ithaca, NY  14853
Tel: 503-889-8539

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