In data 11 mai 2009 alle ore 03:40:25, Philippe M. Chiasson <> 
ha scritto:

> The mod_perl 1.31 release candidate 8 is ready. It can be downloaded  
> here:
> SHA1(mod_perl-1.31-rc8.tar.gz)= 36c0e59a374dbd490da061c6b45b8e11d1f80309
> MD5(mod_perl-1.31-rc8.tar.gz)= 0c2808ccf669fea79760636e425f38b3
> Please give it a spin in your favorite configuration and report
> any problems. Especially needed against Perl-5.10 and on Windows.

I'm trying to compile it on Vista against MSVC 2005, but
it seems that I'm unable to do it.

I tried compiling via the Makefile src/os/win32/,
or even src/Apache.mak but the first error I see is:

regerror.c(62) : warning C4996: 'errcode' was declared deprecated
        C:\dev\msvc2005\VC\INCLUDE\crtdefs.h(506) : see declaration of 'errcode'
        Message: 'This name was supported during some Whidbey pre-releases. 
Instead, use the standard name errno_t.'
regerror.c(62) : error C2081: 'preg' : name in formal parameter list illegal
regerror.c(62) : error C2081: 'errbuf' : name in formal parameter list illegal
regerror.c(62) : error C2081: 'errbuf_size' : name in formal parameter list 
regerror.c(63) : warning C4028: formal parameter 2 different from declaration
regerror.c(63) : warning C4028: formal parameter 3 different from declaration
regerror.c(63) : warning C4028: formal parameter 4 different from declaration


Then I tried importing the Apache.dsp but VC complains it's a "corrupted
project file".

Tried to look into the READMEs/etc... and found nothing in particular.
Maybe Apache 1.3.41 requires a newer MSVC version?

Any hint?


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