On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 5:10 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr.

> Jeff Trawick wrote:
> >
> > Backing up a bit...
> >
> > I originally thought we could map bit values in 2.2.x to avoid affecting
> > modules, but that isn't possible since includes-with-exec is two bits
> > instead of one.
> Hold on... I think this can still work;
>  * Retain new true 'Includes' bit as old IncludesNoExec macro value
>    Keep ancient Includes flag bit as 256, never true.
>  - all httpd modules testing for including but not executing
>    permission see the permission as allowed
>  - old httpd modules testing for includes with exec permission
>    see the permission as denied, until they update the module
>  - httpd modules which force/override the includes without exec
>    permission would still work
>  - httpd modules which force/override the includes exec behavior
>    would just fail to update anything (256 & 0xff == 00), so it
>    becomes a noop until they update the module
> So it has no negative security consequences, still would require
> an update to the rare module, but lets us ship something without
> really nasty side effects.

I'll think harder about this once my latest proposal gets shot down ;)

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