On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Geoff Toogood <ge...@allotz.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> This has most likely been answered before but I have to ask as I have
> searched this mailing list and can't find the answer I am looking for. It is
> also most likely in the mod_perl 2,0 documentation and if there is a
> relevant part of it you can point me to regarding my issue that would be
> good!
> I am running mod_perl 2 on a debian server using apache2
> I have a <VirtualHost> directive which incorporates a mod_perl
> PerlTransHandler. This VirtualHost block of the config also has some Alias
> and SetEnv directives defined.
> The PerlTransHandler module behaves correctly and works well but it seems
> that when I execute a PHP document under this VirtualHost I lose the
> $_SERVER (%ENV in perl) variables and Alias settings I have set in the
> Apache VirtualHost block of my config.

Can you show us how you are executing the PHP document?

> Attached is my PerlTransHandler and my PerlFixupHandler as well as my Apache
> configuration.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Geoff T
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>        ServerName www.test.com
>        ServerAlias www.test.com
>        ServerAdmin webmas...@test.com
>        <Perl>
>                use lib '/etc/SysAdmin/perl5/Handlers/';
>        </Perl>
>        DocumentRoot /vhosts/www/htdocs/
>        CustomLog /vhosts/www/logs/http-accesslog combined
>        ErrorLog /vhosts/www/logs/http-errorlog
>        PerlTransHandler +MyTransHandler
>        PerlFixupHandler +MyFixUpHandler
>        PerlSetEnv ConfigPath /etc/SysAdmin/perl5/
>        Alias /css/main.css /etc/SysAdmin/PrivateLabel/trunk/2/css/main.css
> </VirtualHost>

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