

I followed instructions at
http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/os/win32/install.html and
http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/rename.html to install mod_perl on my
configuration : Windows Vista, perl v5.10.0, ActivePerl 5.10.0 and Apache


I can run sample a sample Hello.pm using the following in my httpd.conf :

PerlModule Apache2::Hello

<Location /hello>

            SetHandler modperl

            PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Hello




But, if I want to run old Perl CGI scripts by adding a block like the
following, Apache throws an error "Can't load Perl module ModPerl::Registry
for server XXX, so exiting ".


PerlModule ModPerl::Registry

PerlSendHeader On

<Directory /var/www/mkperl>

     SetHandler perl-script

    PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry

    Options +ExecCGI

    Order allow,deny

    Allow from all



What could be wrong?

Mahesh Khambadkone
Co-founder and COO - games2win.com

42 Film Center, Tardeo, Mumbai 400034.
Cell : +91.98335.21313




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