Michael Gardner wrote:
William T wrote:
There are some leak analysis modules that may help (Devel::Leak I
think).  I've tried using them in the past, but they haven't worked
well for me for various reasons.  I found commenting out early branch
points allowed me (most of the time) to narrow down where the leak was
actually happening.  The I typically look fr anything that looks like
a closure or some code playing with references.

Rolf Banting wrote:
There's a few modules on CPAN that might help e.g. Devel::LeakTrace.

The problem is that there are a lot of perl files to check out, and I
don't know which one has the leak. What I'm asking is whether there's a
way to figure out *which file* is leaking memory, without having to test
each file individually. Some kind of per-file memory usage statistics
from modperl or somesuch.

I don't think there is an /easy/ way, but maybe something along these lines : I believe mod_perl redefines a number of things, such as exit(), return() etc.. Maybe you could re-redefine them, and arrange to call something there which would give you some info ? That could be done, for example, in your startup.pl script (the one you execute when starting the server and initially loading mod_perl).

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