Hi All,

One of my application is using following code to execute a long running
process and the control is return to the user with link to log file so that
users can monitor the progress

    $req->pool->cleanup_register(sub{$self->final_process( $req,$cgi) ;});

And in final_process sub I have File open for writing the process progress

my $log = new FileHandle("process.log", "a");

When I print the  $log->fileno it print FD as 0  and I have couple other log
files opened after this all of these having random numbers like 12,15 etc.
my believe is FD 0 used for STDIN . Is this is bug or aim doing something
wrong ?

My Application is running Apache/2.2.9/Mod_perl 2.04/ perl, v5.8.8 under
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 3

Shibi Ns

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