On Sat 15 Aug 2009, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
> We've got a bunch of legacy code that uses $ENV{SCRIPT_URI},  
> $ENV{SERVER_PORT}, $r->server->port and the like to generate external
>   redirects.
> This has worked fine til now, but now we are moving to a system where
>   our external port != our internal port - the load balancer is going
> to forward ports 80 and ports 443 to non-secure ports 8080 and 8443
> (so that we can run httpd as a non-root user.) Unfortunately, the
> code mentioned above will then use the wrong (internal) ports in the
> redirects. If I were using Apache reverse proxy, ProxyPassReverse
> would take care of this, but I'm not.
> The legacy code is scattered in many files and will be difficult to  
> change. Thus I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get %ENV and $r
>   to reflect the external ports, without going through and changing
> each port-related $ENV and $r value by hand.
> e.g. In the Apache code I see that the ENV vars are populated via  
> ap_get_server_port - is there a way for me to hook in early enough  
> that I can change this?

According to the docs the server port can also be set. But I think this is not 
a good idea.

The $r->server->port part can possibly be circumvented by reassigning a new 
function to the Apache2::ServerRec::port symbol at startup time. Try this in 
your startup.pl:

use Apache2::ServerRec ();
  my $old=\&Apache2::ServerRec::port;
  *Apache2::ServerRec::port=sub {
    if( @_==1 ) {    # read access
      my $port=$old->(@_);
      if( $port==8080 ) {
        return 80;
      } elsif(...) {
      } else {
        return $port;
    } else {
      return $old->(@_);

As for the %ENV part this approach may work. Call $r->subprocess_env in void 
context without parameters somewhere before the response phase, e.g. fixup. 
This initializes the CGI variables in %ENV or rather $r->subprocess_env. Then 
use $r->subprocess_env to change what you need. The subsequent perl-script 
handler will know that the CGI variables are already set up and won't do it 
again. So your script should see the overridden values. That's the theory.


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