On 17/08/09 21:48 , Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> On 17/08/09 19:54 , James Smith wrote:
>> Futher to this I now have a stack trace if that helps anyone point me in
>> the right direction:
>> #0  0x00007f17ee936fb1 in strncpy () from /lib/libc.so.6
>> #1  0x00007f17e808ecfc in modperl_perl_global_request_save () from
>>   /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_perl.so
> That's hapenning in a fairly simple piece of code:
> modperl_perl_global_svpv_save(pTHX_ modperl_perl_global_svpv_t *svpv)
> {
>     svpv->cur = SvCUR(*svpv->sv);
>     strncpy(svpv->pv, SvPVX(*svpv->sv), sizeof(svpv->pv));
> }
> But looking at the guts, the only code path that will invoke this is
> when saving/restoring the value of $/...  Can you check to see what part
> of your code alters that variable and to what ?

Just had an idea, can't verify or test it right now, but I suspect this
might be caused by:

$/ = undef;

Could you have one of these lying around in your code somewhere ?

If so, can you try and change it to the usually recommended form:

local $/ = undef;

Hope this helps.

Philippe M. Chiasson     GPG: F9BFE0C2480E7680 1AE53631CB32A107 88C3A5A5
http://gozer.ectoplasm.org/       m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/

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