On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Igor Chudov<ichu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My new perlbal.conf is included:
> REATE POOL dynamic
>   pool dynamic add
>   SET listen           =
>   SET role             = reverse_proxy
>   SET pool             = dynamic
>   SET persist_client  = on
>   SET persist_backend = off
>   SET verify_backend  = on

With verify_backend = on, perlbal makes an OPTIONS request to the
mod_perl server.  That request usually returns an empty 200, which in
other scenarios could be viewed as a blank page.

How perlbal would send that back to the client is something I don't
know.  But I would consider disabling that option as it doubles the
number of total requests to the backend mod_perl server.  That's just
my opinion though, changing that failure could cause other failure
modes to surface.

If you want to use that option, you should write a mod_perl handler
that answers to a verify_backend url (see the perlbal docs) and
returns a few characters of text back to perlbal.  If you see those
characters in your blank screens - that's the problem.  Although I'm
skeptical that is what is happening.

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