Torsten Foertsch <> wrote:
> mcvella wrote:

> > I am wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to configure what it
> > shown as the running apache process name.  I am not sure if this is
> > technically a mod_perl question.  The problem is that the process
> > name is partially truncated, so we are unable to determine exactly
> > what perl app is running for a given apache process.
> >
> > For example, here is one running apache process as seen in top:
> >
> > 31122 www       16   0 76624  61m 6428 S    6  0.4   0:04.03
> > /opt/myapp/www/cgi-perl/sig -f /opt/c2/preview/tmp/httpd.conf
> >
> > there is more to the perl app name than 'sig', (for example, it could
> > be or but it is truncated.

Just look into the options on the ps command, I think you'll find you
can see long process names with the "w" (wide) option, or "ww" for
"unlimited width":

  ps axwwl

Or perhaps:

  ps axwwl | egrep cgi-perl

> > Is there any way to configure apache to show more characters in its
> > process names?

Um... both perl's exec and system has a list form that allows you to
start up a program with a fictious name (you give it the program name
first, and follow that with the ficitious name, followed by any other

Off the top of my head, I'm not sure if there's a way to use that
feature from within mod_perl.

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