Thanks for the thoughts. I think as Steven said, it's hard to give
specific recommendations without understanding the nature of the
software being distributed. I didn't mention it before because I
didn't want to bore anyone but I'll take that chance now.

So the web server module that I'm wanting to distribute is secondary
to the primary software. The primary software is at
(still in somewhat pre-launch mode) and is something we've written
that can be thought of as HTML and Javascript for Flash. The idea is
to use a markup language to develop rich media sites. One of the
bonuses of using Frontal is that if you have an HTML-like description
of your rich media app then it's possible to transform that into an
actual HTML version that can be indexed by Google and the other search
engines - a general problem with Flash content.

This then is where this secondary software comes in. You plug this
module (the SEO Module) into your web server and it looks at each
requests it gets, finds the files that will satisfy it, searches them
for Frontal content, converts that content to HTML and inserts that
into the result.

So, given that product offering, the thought is that we would be
plugging into someone's existing infrastructure. That is, our
customers would likely already have a website/cms/etc. that they would
be loathe to part from but that they might be convinced to add a layer
to. That means that building our own stack wouldn't really work for us
- imagine that a page is being served by Krang for example and the
result has Frontal content in it.

Next, I think the price point we're looking at for this software
($500) prevents us from being able to spend too much time with each
customer getting them set up. In other words, doing an install for
each sale seems contrary to the business model especially since I want
my developers focused on Flash development rather than Apache

I think that last point, that this is secondary software and that we
don't want to be Perl experts makes building RPMs and installable Perl
bundles kind of unattractive.

I think then that the most attractive option is to write an
installation manual that says, "install mod_perl, install these
modules, put software here..." and then leaves it to the purchaser to
accomplish those steps. If they have in-house IT (which is probably
not far-fetched for the scenarios I'm imagining) then this isn't
unreasonable. And then if they don't have in-house IT, we refer them
to a pool of mod_perl and Apache savvy consultants who could follow
those sketchy steps.

So, is there a pool of mod_perl and Apache savvy consultants out there
available for tapping? Google gives results but if anyone wants to
recommend a group then I'd be happy to hear from them. (BTW, you can't
even buy the SEO module at the moment so this is about preparations.)

Thanks again,

Mike Barborak
Technical Director


1201 Broadway, #704
New York, NY 10001

office: 646 201 9347
cell: 646 263 7029

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Perrin Harkins <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Mike Barborak <> 
> wrote:
>> So, can anyone point me at other software with these requirements and
>> their solution to this problem?
> You can look at the installer for Krang ( which
> builds the whole stack.  There are also several approaches on CPAN,
> like Shipwright.
> - Perrin

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