I've run into this before.   It's a bug in v1.07 of Apache::DBI

Open up the Apache/DBI.pm source file (on one of my test systems it's installed in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/DBI.pm) aind the following block of code:
/   if (!$Rollback{$Idx}) {
       my $r;
       if (MP2) {
               $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
       elsif (Apache->can('push_handlers')) {
           $r = 'Apache';
The problem with this is that if you're calling this from startup.pl you're not actually in a request at that point (as someone already mentioned) so without the eval there the script dies.

Fix it by wrapping the "/$r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;/" part in an eval so it looks like this: /eval { $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;}


André Warnier wrote:
Kulasekaran, Raja wrote:

Thanks for your mail. I did tried. It's not working .

Yes, I am sorry.  I did not look close enough at the following error :

[Thu Sep 10 14:39:30 2009] [error] Global $r object is not available.
Set:\n\tPerlOptions +GlobalRequest\nin httpd.conf at
/var/www/audashboard/exec/startup.pl line 24.\nCompilation failed in
require at (eval 5) line 1.\n

In a mod_perl *request* handler, the first argument
(my $r = shift;)
is usually a pointer to the current Request object.

But in your startup script (startup.pl), that is not the case, because when that script is run, there is no request yet. I don't know what you are trying to do with $r in that startup script, but something is wrong and maybe the error message above is misleading.
(I mean that it may have nothing to do with GlobalRequest at that stage.)

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