
We want to retrieve URL and use it inside our vhosts, realtime.

To demonstrate my case, I placed random numbers on ServerAdmin directive (just to test),

$ServerAdmin = int(rand(100))."lo...@koko.com";

As you may know, this random number is assigned only when you restart the server, and never changes until another restart.

This is what we want: 

if julie.myperl.com is the requested domain, then $ServerAdmin = ju...@myperl.com, that is, realtime.

Hopefully there is a solution, since this will help us remove thousands of config files, and save us from thousands of apache reloads.


here is kind of similar situation and solution,

and here is why ask this question,
we have built an API in which subdomains signify unix account names,
so variable part of {$user}.kodingen.com must be used within vhost conf.

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