Sorry, I hit the send button too quickly.
I meant to send this to the list, not to you personally.

Octavian Râşniţă wrote:

Does anyone know if mod_perl can be installed under Cygwin?

I have tried to install it with cpan, but it gave an error on the `make` step.

I cannot answer your question directly, I don't know.

But my question is : why would you want to do that ?

One of the beauties of Perl, is that it runs on multiple platforms,
Windows native being one of them.
And so does Apache 2.x.
And so does mod_perl, in combination of Apache 2.x for Windows, and
ActivePerl from

And unless your scripts or mod_perl handlers really need to do something
that is OS-specific, they should not need to be changed to run under the
above combination.

There are good instructions of how to install this on the mod_perl site.
If you have any problem, get back here and someone will help.

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