Hello everyone,

I've been looking over the APR::Pool because some pools gets passed to some of 
my handlers and I was wondering how I could use it to good effect managing my 
memory better.
There are great instructions on the API for it, but no real explanation as to 
how to use the pool (at least not in the APR::Pool docs.)

I was wondering if anyone could explain how to use memory pools to manage 
memory, or point out some examples I might have missed.

I'm not looking for what's already in the doc, i.e. I already understand what 
is mean by the life cycle of the pool, destroy vs. clear, etc.  I'm looking for 
more of an example of how to use the pool with my memory, i.e. do I have to 
create my data structures in the pool somehow, or is it taken care of 
automagically somehow that isn't obvious?  It seems pretty low level, is it 
something I should avoid, via higher level modules or something like that?

Thank you,
Boysenberry Payne

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