On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Tosh Cooey <t...@1200group.com> wrote:
> In case anyone else is ever in the same situation I would like to tell them
> that mod_perl(1|2) + fork = bad idea, and don't even THINK about throwing
> DBI into the mix.

I don't want people to think this doesn't work.  It does work, and has
been used successfully before.  Any time you mix DBI with forking, you
do have to be careful about closing handles, as described in the links
earlier in this thread.  It's hard enough to get right that I would
advise people to use a job queue instead if possible.

> For me in the future, if I have a VERY long task I will externalize it, and
> if I have brief but long tasks then the following worked great for me:

That's good advice: use a separate job queue or a cleanup handler for
short tasks.

- Perrin

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