Apache knows the context, PERL does not.

Fully qualify that directory name and it should work.

On 2/20/2010 1:01 PM, ceauke wrote:
Hi there

Here is my code. I get the IMG displayed but also the perl error: No such
file or directory.

print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";

print "Test:";
print " /Ski/temp.jpg ";

opendir(DIR, "/Ski") or die print "Error $!";

print "Dir list: ";
while( ($filename = readdir(DIR))){
closedir DIR;  "

It seems like the webserver (apache) knows what /Ski is but perl doesn't.
It's looking for /ski in cgi-bin. my /ski folder is out of the root. I have
an alias, directory and location defined in httpd.conf for it. How do I get
perl to see it?

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